Independent Living

The Units

In this facility, all tenants live independently (with or without Home Care), and have access to a limited range of on-site services.

SERVICE PACKAGE – Garbage, recycling pick-up, meal delivery and access to activities.

RENT ASSIST – Tenants may qualify for a rent supplement from Rent Assist to make housing more affordable. Click here to go to the Rent Assist Estimator

MEALS – Meal plans available for dining in The Gardens dining room or Units dining area. Noon meals only are available in the dining room at The Units at 11:40am Monday to Friday. These meals can be paid for on a daily or monthly basis (meal package plan) or as otherwise arranged. Family members and guests may come for a meal — please let the kitchen know at least one day in advance. Click here to see our Meals page. If you have a meal plan to eat in The Gardens dining room, supper may be included. Meal tickets may be purchased at the kitchen in The Gardens.

TENANTS MAILING ADDRESS – To send mail to a Tenant, use the following address:

(Tenants Suite #) – 263 5th St NE, R0G 0B7

Mail is delivered daily by Life Enrichment staff.

LIFE ENRICHMENT – SSGL (Supports for Seniors in Group Living) staff provide support and activities for the tenants approximately four hours a week, including Bingo. Tenants are welcome to attend activities in our other buildings. A monthly Newsletter, The Garden Post is also provided.

NIGHT WATCH – Night Watch walks the halls hourly and can check on tenants in their rooms during the night on request.

NIGHT LOCK – The Units entrance doors are locked each evening at 10:00pm and open at 6:00am. Every tenant has a key to get into the building.

PARKING – Ample parking spaces available (with plug-ins).

LAUNDRY – There is a laundry room available for use for the tenants at no additional charge.

HOUSEKEEPING – Services available.

COMMON ROOM – The dining room may be reserved and used free of charge by tenants for family gatherings and other special events. Public washrooms are available near the dining room.

EXTRA STORAGE – There are two rooms where each tenant may have a locker or closet space for storing extra things.

AFTER HOURS OR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER – To reach a member of our supportive housing staff in the case of an emergency, call 204-324-4125 (available 24/7)

Hours Of Operation

Mon - Fri : 7 am - 4 pm