The Manor
In this facility, some Tenants live independently (with or without Home Care), but we are expanding assisted living with Pathways support staff into this building. Tenants have easy access to a range of on-site services.
SERVICE PACKAGE – Garbage, recycling pick-up, and access to activities.
RENT ASSIST – Tenants may qualify for a rent supplement from Rent Assist to make housing more affordable. Click here to go to the Rent Assist Estimator
TENANTS MAILING ADDRESS – To send mail to a Tenant, use the following address:
(Tenants Suite #) – 223 5th St NE, R0G 0B7
Mail will be delivered daily by Life Enrichment staff
MEALS – Lunch is served at 11:45 am and supper at 4:45 pm. Tenants may choose to do their own cooking or eat in The Manor dining room. Click here to see our Meals page. Family members and guests are welcome to come for meals — please let the kitchen know at least one day in advance. Call them at 204-324-8945.
LIFE ENRICHMENT – SSGL (Supports for Seniors in Group Living) staff provide support and activities for the tenants five hours a day Monday to Friday.
Devotionals, exercise, and craft opportunities
The Garden Post (our monthly newsletter)
Welcome to attend all activities in The Apartments
NIGHT WATCH – Night Watch walks the halls hourly and can check on tenants in their rooms during the night on request.
NIGHT LOCK – The Manor entrance doors are locked daily at 10:00pm and open at 6:00am. Manor tenants are issued a swipe card for access.
PARKING – Ample parking spaces available (with plug-ins).
LAUNDRY – There is a laundry room near The Manor lounge. There is no charge for the use of these facilities by tenants.
HOUSEKEEPING & LAUNDRY – Services available.
COMMON ROOM – The Manor lounge and dining room may be reserved and used free of charge by tenants for family gatherings or other special events. There are public washrooms near The Manor lounge area.
AFTER HOURS OR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER – To reach a member of our supportive housing staff in the case of an emergency, call 204-324-4125 (available 24/7)